Titania’s Fortune Cards

This is the deck I use most often. Based on the Leonormand deck, the images are very simple but easy to read. I find that this is an easy deck to learn and it’s “user friendly”- meaning it’s the sort of deck that’s less confronting for people unused to having their cards read. It does take practice. This deck is all about reading combinations. On their own the individual cards aren’t very helpful (with one notable exception, the Harsh Truth Spread) but they do combine very well to make “sentences”. Context is everything with these cards. You’ll notice that meanings vary depending on the combinations. Some cards have similar meanings or sub-meanings that reinforce each other or contradict each other.

Please note that these are the meanings that work for me. You may find that the meanings vary for you and only time and practice will sort that out. I have found that the cards will often eventually mean what you think they mean which is why you’ll find so many variations of meanings out there. Just keep working with them and journaling until you’ve got the meanings that suit you.

Card Meanings


Key words- a visit or visitor, a car, transport, news received in person

riderThe Rider is one of the cards that indicate something is happening or going to happen. It’s movement is fast but not unexpectedly sudden. It’s about visitors, either expected or unexpected or short trips. You can expect news when you see the Rider. It may not be life changing news but it news that will have a bearing on your current situation.

In combination

Rider/ Clover– a lucky visit

Rider/ Ship– a long visit or visit to somewhere outside your normal area

Rider/ House– someone coming to visit you

Rider/ Tree– someone coming to stay for a while

Rider/ Clouds– thinking about a visit

Rider/ Snake– an unexpected visit

Rider/ Coffin– an expected visit delayed

Rider/ Flowers– a very happy visit, someone you really want to see

Rider/ Scythe– a sudden visit, needing to leave immediately or someone showing up with no notice

Rider/ Whip– an unwelcome visit, visit that causes drama’s

Rider/ Bird– someone bringing unwelcome news

Rider/ Child– a visit from or to a child, a very short visit

Rider/ Fox– a visit from or to someone untrustworthy

Rider/ Bear– an important visit

Rider/ Star– a hoped for visit

Rider/ Stork– an unusual visit, the sort of visit you’ll remember and talk about for a while

Rider/ Dog– a visit from or to a good friend

Rider/ Tower– a long planned visit

Rider/ Garden– a meeting in a public place, catching up with friends over coffee

Rider/ Mountain– a visit that has been or will be troublesome- a visit that takes a lot of effort

Rider/ Road– travel, a trip either for work or holiday- you can expected to be away for some time with this combo

Rider/ Mouse– a visit that costs you something- either actual money or pride (like a critical mother in law or someone who criticises)

Rider/ Heart– a visit from or to a lover, or an offer of love

Rider/ Ring– a regular visit, something that happens often, or a visit to or from a family member

Rider/ Book– a visitor you’ve never met (like a meter reader or something) or a visit to a place you’ve never been

Rider/ Letter– definitely news, important news, you are about to find out something you really need to know

Rider/ Man– a visit from a man

Rider/ Woman– a visit from a woman

Rider/ Lily– a visit to someone unwell, or to the doctor

Rider/ Sun– a very enjoyable visit

Rider/ Moon– a visit at night or overnight

Rider/ Key– a visit that provides the solution to something, or a visit you’ve been trying to get or do for ages

Rider/ Fish– when the Fish and the Rider face each other money is coming in, when they face apart it’s going out

Rider/ Anchor– someone coming to stay or going to stay with someone else

Rider/ Cross– a visit to more then one place or multiple visits


Keywords- luck

cloverThe Clover is a lovely card. It softens the negativity of other cards. Sometimes its about turning bad luck into something good. It’s influence is short but sweet, often indicating that it’s companion card’s influence is fleeting.

In combination         

Clover/ Ship– “your ship has come in”, things are about to improve

Clover/ House– luck at home

Clover/ Tree– long lasting luck, a lucky streak

Clover/ Clouds– negative thinking, seeing the worst in everything, can be depression

Clover/ Snake– keeping something lucky to yourself, luck because you kept something to yourself

Clover/ Coffin– delayed luck, or a delay for a very good reason

Clover/ Flowers– a win, luck that makes you happy

Clover/ Scythe– a lucky break

Clover/ Whip– an argument that clears the air, or an argument with no residual bad feelings, a heated discussion

Clover/ Bird– nervous excitement, something both hoped for and worried about

Clover/ Child– a little luck, luck for a child

Clover/ Fox– a lucky escape

Clover/ Bear– important luck, luck in an important matter

Clover/ Star– very good luck, luck that answers a wish

Clover/ Stork– a lucky event

Clover/ Dog– a lucky friend, or luck at finding a new friend

Clover/ Tower– luck from the past, past actions working out well in the present (ie; it was a good thing you …)

Clover/ Garden– luck while out and about (like finding a parking spot somewhere crowded)

Clover/ Mountain– a challenge you can easily overcome, mixed luck- “you win some you lose some”

Clover/ Road– a lucky trip, a stroke of luck that changes things for you

Clover/ Mouse– small bills, finding a problem before it becomes too big

Clover/ Heart– lucky in love

Clover/ Ring– continuous good luck, luck of birth

Clover/ Book– luck you don’t know about, something good happening that you are unaware of

Clover/ Letter– good news, news of a win or gain, news you’ve been hoping for

Clover/ Man– a lucky man

Clover/ Woman– a lucky woman

Clover/ Lily– good fortune at identifying a health issue, good health, if ill, it will only be for a short time

Clover/ Sun– happiness and optimism, great good fortune, good times

Clover/ Moon– a proposition that makes you happy, something you may not have expected, an invitation, having a really good night

Clover/ Key– success due to good luck, being in the right place at the right time

Clover/ Fish– being lucky with money, money arriving very soon

Clover/ Anchor– solid luck, the effects of the luck staying with you for a long time

Clover/ Cross– someone doing something nice for you without being asked, benevolent intervention, someone standing up for you


Keywords- business, financial affairs, travel, movement

shipThe Ship has always been about business for me, be it your job or whatever it is you spend most of your time doing, whatever you consider yourself to be. It’s movement and travel with the right combination. It’s a positive card that suggests things are happening slowly but surely.

In combination

Ship/ House– moving house, moving on in general, can be working from home

Ship/ Tree– growth in your business, moving up the ladder

Ship/ Clouds– thinking about your business, instability or uncertainty about your business

Ship/ Snake– something isn’t what it seems in business, double check your facts and figures, a hidden mistake, sometimes outright deception

Ship/ Coffin– nothing much is happening in business, a necessary lull

Ship/ Flowers– enjoying your job or business

Ship/ Scythe– a sudden turn in business, an unexpected development in your working life

Ship/ Whip– a period of difficultly at work, tension and wariness about business

Ship/ Bird– work gossip, word getting around rather fast, worry about work

Ship/ Child– a new job or promotion or role at work, a small change at work

Ship/ Fox– keeping to yourself at work, keeping your own counsel, not sharing an idea

Ship/ Bear– important work, a position of leadership, a boss or other person who has influence or control over your business

Ship/ Star– good work, a business wish granted, a job you like

Ship/ Stork– a trip you may choose not to return from, moving on altogether, leaving the past behind

Ship/ Dog– a workmate or colleague

Ship/ Tower– a job or business you have had for a long time, or returning to an old job or position, past work influencing you now

Ship/ Garden– a pleasure trip, can be combining business and pleasure

Ship/ Mountain– someone from overseas or very far away, communication with overseas/ far away, can be a trip to the mountains literally

Ship/ Road– travel, a holiday, taking time off

Ship/ Mouse– small annoying tasks that must be performed, can be someone undermining you at work

Ship/ Heart– a job or business you love, working for the love of it rather then the money, sometimes a love affair at work or working with your lover

Ship/ Ring– a repetitive job or task, a task that you have to start again as soon as you’ve finished

Ship/ Book– a new job or business, a task you’ve never done before

Ship/ Letter– a work contract, the fine print, discussions regarding your business or work conditions

Ship/ Man/ Woman– a male or female boss

Ship/ Lily– a professional position or person like lawyer, doctor etc,

Ship/ Sun– good times at work, easy work, working during the day

Ship/ Moon– enjoying your job, working at night

Ship/ Key– work or business success, your greatest happiness coming from work at this time, achieving a long held goal

Ship/ Fish– financial gains, a well paying job, money earned

Ship/ Anchor– staying in the same place at work, lack of desire to move on or up, being content with what you have

Ship/ Cross– a job or business you were destined for, being noticed by others or higher up, other people having an influence on your position


Keywords- the home, something stable, immediate family

houseNot surprisingly, the House is just that- your home, things that are close to you and your immediate family, those you share your home with.

In combination

House/ Tree– a home you will be staying at for a long time, slow but steady improvement at home

House/ Clouds– wishing you were home, home sickness, can indicate agoraphobia at it’s most extreme though this is very rare

House/ Snake– something going on at home that you are unaware of, peace and quiet, sanctuary

House/ Coffin– boredom, stagnation in general, impatience

House/ Flowers– happiness at home, a home that gives you joy

House/ Scythe– something breaking at home, repairs needed, cutting your ties with family

House/ Whip– arguments with family, distress, power struggles at home

House/ Bird– unhappy at home, feeling miserable and sorry for yourself or someone at home affecting everyone else with their mood

House/ Child– a new home, your childhood home or town, your childhood in general, a house full of children

House/ Fox– a very private home, a bolt hole, hiding from others, staying at home because you want to

House/ Bear– an important or stately home, an official building of some sort

House/ Star– a lovely and welcoming home, your dream house

House/ Stork– your home is blessed, good luck and protection from the world at large

House/ Dog– a friends house

House/ Tower– an old house

House/ Garden– a public house, a party at home, a beautiful home with a lovely garden

House/ Mountain– a house or home far away or literally in the mountains, difficulty in securing a home, obstacles to overcome at home

House/ Road– a caravan, hotel, motel, resort, a home away from home, “home is where you lay your hat”

House/ Mouse– something is wrong, a hidden problem, constant small problems, no sooner have you fixed one thing then something else goes wrong, a mortgage

House/ Heart– a home you love,

House/ Ring– a family members home

House/ Book– a house you haven’t been to yet

House/ Letter– title deeds, rules, communication among your immediate family, discussions

House/ Man/ Woman– a landlord or home owner

House/ Lily– a hospital or illness at home, convalescing at home

House/ Sun– a bright and beautiful home, full of joy and laughter, the sort of home with an open door policy

House/ Moon– a comfortable and romantic home, a refuge from the world, the sort of home you can pretend the rest of the world doesn’t exist

House/ Key– buying a home, buying and selling real estate, real estate as an investment

House/ Fish– money spent on the home, or money put away for a rainy day

House/ Anchor– staying where you are, a stable home, your home as a base of operations  House/ Cross- outside influences on your home like neighbours, council, etc, very rarely it can be jail

House/ Cross– family traditions, ancestors, legacy


Keywords- Growth, something continuous

treeThis is a very positive card suggesting that the matter at hand is growing well. It signifies recovery from illness and slow and steady improvement. Whatever it touches it suggests that the issue will be around for a while or will have a long lasting effect.

In combination

Tree/ Clouds– a long held plan, something you’ll think about or have thought about for a long time, overcoming negative thinking

Tree/ Snake– something that has been hidden for a long time

Tree/ Coffin– a very long delay, “no news is good news”

Tree/ Flowers– long lasting happiness, “happily ever after”

Tree/ Scythe– the end or change to something that has been long running

Tree/ Whip– a long but productive argument/ heated discussion, overcoming long held tensions or disagreements

Tree/ Bird– stories that grow in the telling, chinese whispers

Tree/ Child– the beginning of something that will be around for a long time, realising just how much your children have grown

Tree/ Fox– escaping consequences, getting away with something you probably shouldn’t be doing

Tree/ Bear– something of overarching or societal importance, matters that are bigger then just your life

Tree/ Star– a dream slowly coming true, a long held dream

Tree/ Stork– an event of long duration, for example, week long celebrations, or a royal show, something that takes time

Tree/ Dog– your oldest friend, a friend you have had or will have for a long time

Tree/ Tower– something from the past that isn’t about to change anytime soon, something long running, a certainty in your life

Tree/ Garden– a farm, park, national park, wild forest, nature in general

Tree/ Mountain– an insurmountable obstacle, something that cannot be changed or ignored because it is fundamental to the issue

Tree/ Road– a long planned trip or change

Tree/ Mouse– an ongoing bill or debt that is still growing or only being paid back very slowly, like a mortgage

Tree/ Heart– a long lasting love affair, or the love of your life

Tree/ Ring– something cyclical, an anniversary or event that repeats

Tree/ Book– learning, improving your knowledge, school and study

Tree/ Letter– an ongoing correspondence, a pen pal, the internet

Tree/ Man/ Woman– someone you’ve known or will know for a long time

Tree/ Lily– a long illness, slow and steady recovery

Tree/ Sun– a fundamentally cheerful nature, able to see the bright side in any circumstance, quickening the pace of growth

Tree/ Moon- relaxation, a sense of contentment, not needing anything more, happy with things as they are

Tree/ Key– the achievement of a long held goal

Tree/ Fish– steady income, good investments, sound finances

Tree/ Anchor– security in all it’s forms, emotional, financial etc, complacence

Tree/ Cross– being looked after either by people in the flesh or spirit, being protected, someone is watching out for you


Keywords- thoughts, something uncertain or changeable, can be difficult times approaching or leaving depending on where the card falls

cloudsThe Clouds are a bit tricky because their appearance can suggest that the reading is about what the querent is thinking rather then what is actually happening. Having said that though, we often make our thoughts become real by just thinking them often enough. The appearance of the clouds also suggests that things are settled yet. Other peoples actions or inactions may change things yet. Just take it as granted that when the clouds appear things are still up in the air.

In combination

Clouds/ Snake– thinking nasty thoughts, second guessing yourself

Clouds/ Coffin– refusing to deal with matters at hand, ignoring the obvious

Clouds/ Flowers– “magical thinking” eg, if the next car that drives past is red then he really loves me, pretending everything is ok no matter what the actual circumstance, fluffy thinking

Clouds/ Scythe– cutting off negative thinking, learning to or controlling negative tendencies

Clouds/ Whip– working yourself up to fever pitch with stressing, imagining conversations or arguments before they have happened

Clouds/ Bird– thinking too much about gossip or unverified information

Clouds/ Child– childish thinking, not thinking enough about the matters at hand

Clouds/ Fox– planning, thinking ahead, contingency plans

Clouds/ Bear– important matters are unsettled, there is still something to be dealt with

Clouds/ Star– day dreaming, wishful thinking, someone who is “going to do” something but never does

Clouds/ Stork– a bumpy event, obsessing about an upcoming event, over thinking something simple

Clouds/ Dog– thinking about a friend or some bumps in the friendship

Clouds/ Tower– thinking about the past

Clouds/ Garden– superficial thinking, refusing to deal with important issues

Clouds/ Mountain– mental issues, wrong thinking or thinking about something in the wrong way, seeing only problems instead of possible solutions

Clouds/ Road– a proposed change won’t go smoothly, bumps in the road, over thinking a change

Clouds/ Mouse– negative self talk, talking yourself down or allowing other people’s repetitive negativity to bring you down

Clouds/ Heart– thinking about love, self analysis

Clouds/ Ring– repetitive thoughts, thoughts going round in circles, circular logic

Clouds/ Book– thinking about what you don’t know, focusing on the unknown

Clouds/ Letters– thinking about news- whether to deliver it or what it means after you receive it, telepathy, ‘guessing’ that something is wrong with someone before they tell you, picking up news from unusual sources

Clouds/ Man/ Woman– thinking about a man or woman

Clouds/ Lily– mental illness, illness that originated in your mind/ psyche, physical manifestation of stuff going on in your head

Clouds/ Sun– negativity at an end, the Sun clears the way, bumpy times will soon be over,

Clouds/ Moon– knowing that you’ll get past where you are at in your head, an end in sight to your issues, or finally being able to see the way through

Clouds/ Key– finding an answer to your problems/ issues,

Clouds/ Fish– financial drama, the rainy day you’ve hopefully saved for

Clouds/ Anchor– holding on to one thought no matter what, refusing to see any other point of view

Clouds/ Cross– spiritual help, communication with your guides, allowing yourself to be guided


Keywords- deception, something is not what it seems, silence

snakeThe Snake is all about hidden things, which can sometimes be good, sometimes bad. It’s about keeping things to yourself or things that other people are keeping from you.

In combination

Snake/ Coffin– a hidden holdup, not knowing why about a delay

Snake/ Flowers– secret joy

Snake/ Scythe– a hidden break eg a couple who has broken up but not told friends and family

Snake/ Whip– the silent treatment or cold shoulder, being ostracised or shamed

Snake/ Bird– making up stories when the real truth is unknown, particularly nasty gossip, or malicious gossip

Snake/ Child– your child is keeping something from you, a new secret

Snake/ Fox- watch out! Someone is deceiving you, you are either playing someone for a fool or being played yourself, lies

Snake/ Bear– a gag order or being unable to speak up for fear of repercussions

Snake/ Star– secret dreams, your most personal hopes, your secret self

Snake/ Stork– something has happened or will happen that you won’t find out about till after the fact, can be something like a surprise party or being cheated on

Snake/ Dog– an untrustworthy or unreliable friend

Snake/ Tower– secrets from the past, a purely sexual relationship

Snake/ Garden– “not as advertised”, something isn’t what you thought it would be

Snake/ Mountain– overcoming obstacles alone, not asking for help even when you need it

Snake/ Road– a hidden change, something changing in your life without you being immediately aware of it

Snake/ Mouse– hidden bills/ fees, being stung by unexpected problems

Snake/ Heart– your lover isn’t what he/ she says they are, your lover is keeping something from you

Snake/ Ring– family secrets, “what goes around comes around”, karma

Snake/ Book– secrets, you are unlikely to ever really get to the bottom of this issue, sometimes this is about things you really don’t need to know, something that isn’t really your business

Snake/ Letters– secrets revealed, a big revelation is coming

Snake/ Man/ Woman– a deceptive person, sometimes a person with glasses (I have no idea why but I have found from experience that it is true)

Snake/ Lily– a hidden illness, when you get this combo it’s time for a check up, make sure you go to the doctor with any worries

Snake/ Sun– good secrets, keeping things hidden for a good reason, or things being kept from you for a good reason

Snake/ Moon– wilful deception, believing something just because you want to and not because you have good reason to, allowing yourself to be swept up in a fantasy

Snake/ Key– the answer is there you just have to find it, hiding in plain sight, lying by omission

Snake/ Fish– hidden cash like finding $20 in a book on your bookshelf or money that isn’t yours like getting too much change in a transaction or finding someone wallet

Snake/ Anchor– an entrenched lie, something that has been going on for so long now it is unlikely to change

Snake/ Cross– hidden destiny, not knowing where to next, the bend in the road and being unable to see very far into your own future


Keywords- waiting, stagnation, death

coffinThis is probably the card that freaks out most people when it comes up, understandably. It can on occasion mean an actual death, but in the 15 plus years I’ve been reading with this deck it has never predicted a close death. It most often means a long wait, or that the situation is stagnant, nothing happening. I tend to get very frustrated when it appears because it’s almost always more of a wait then you can bear, at least while you are going through it. I just try to remind myself that this to shall pass. Eventually.

In combination

Coffin/ Flowers– a pleasant wait, something you don’t mind waiting for

Coffin/ Scythe– this is the only combination that means an actual death, most likely it won’t be an unexpected death, though it is always sad

Coffin/ Whip– a difficult wait, lots of stress and tension while being uncertain about the eventual outcome

Coffin/ Bird– talking a subject to death, “flogging a dead horse”, if you get this combo you probably have people close to you who are ready to hit you if you bring up a certain subject one more time or you feel that way about someone close to you

Coffin/ Child– waiting for something to grow or mature, you simply can’t make whatever this one is happen any faster, it takes as long as it takes and that’s all there is to it

Coffin/ Fox– trying to find your way out of an impossible situation, feeling or being trapped

Coffin/ Bear– legal or official procedures are dead in the water, nothing may come of whatever official action you have taken or it takes so long it loses it’s meaning or effectiveness

Coffin/ Star– laying hopes to rest, giving up on a dream or realising a dream is impossible

Coffin/ Stork– if you have been waiting a long time this is the combo you want to see- something you have been waiting for will finally happen, movement with a stagnant situation

Coffin/ Dog– a lost friendship, a friendship is at an end

Coffin/ Tower– dragging up past you thought was dead and buried, rehashing long over issues

Coffin/ Garden– a quiet or empty public place, being disappointed with an event not being as fun as you’d hoped.

Coffin/ Mountain– a dead end, a path you cannot take due to blockages left right and centre

Coffin/ Road– a delayed change, plans on hold

Coffin/ Mouse– lots of small and incredibly annoying delays, you’d often get this combo if you were renovating

Coffin/ Heart– a relationship on hold or stagnant, going nowhere fast

Coffin/ Ring– a repetitive delay, something that keeps on happening, someone who keeps promising to do something they never get around to doing

Coffin/ Book– studies put on hold, or qualifications that are no longer valid

Coffin/ Letter– news about the delay- the delay will probably still be there but at least you’ll know what the hold up is

Coffin/ Man/ Woman– a man or woman who is away or emotionally unavailable

Coffin/ Lily– a serious illness or an untreatable illness like the flu or a cold

Coffin/ Sun– a beneficial delay, there is a good reason for the wait

Coffin/ Moon– being unconcerned with the delay

Coffin/ Key– success is at hand, an achievement you have had to wait a long time for

Coffin/ Fish– untouchable money like superannuation or a term deposit

Coffin/ Anchor– an entrenched delay, a situation that is unlikely to be resolved anytime soon

Coffin/ Cross– a connection with or protection offered by a loved one who has passed on


Keywords- happiness, joy, positivity, a gesture

flowersOne of my favourite cards because it simply offers such a lovely vibe. It softens most bad cards and even at it’s worst it still suggests that a positive and happy attitude will see you through. It can sometimes refer to a young woman but most often it’s simply happiness.

In combination

Flowers/ Scythe– a happy conclusion, something reaches culmination

Flowers/ Whip– discussions and problem solving, you’ll be happy with the outcome of a discussion

Flowers/ Bird– something nice being said either about you or to you

Flowers/ Child– a young lady, or a lady who is young at heart

Flowers/ Fox– a happy surprise

Flowers/ Bear– being very happy with the outcome or progress of some matter important to you

Flowers/ Star– a lovely person who wishes the best on everyone, being happy with who you are and where you are at

Flowers/ Stork– a happy event

Flowers/ Dog– a happy go lucky friend, or a female friend you can rely on

Flowers/ Tower– pleasant memories, a trip down memory lane, sometimes actual photos or visits to places from your past

Flowers/ Garden– friends and get togethers, pleasant social gatherings

Flowers/ Mountain– a positive attitude to challenges, rising to the occasion, finding the good in all situations

Flowers/ Road– a change for the better

Flowers/ Mouse– a bill you are happy to pay, like paying off a ring you really want

Flowers/ Heart– happy in love, this often comes up in the ‘falling in love’ stage but can be about any renewal of feeling, it’s about feeling giddy and giggly in love

Flowers/ Ring– happy and supportive family life, being supported and feeling included

Flowers/ Book– reading or writing for enjoyment, sometimes its simply the feeling of being happy for no particular reason

Flowers/ Letters– news that makes you happy, good news

Flowers/ Man/ Woman– a person that makes you happy or a happy person

Flowers/ Lily– recovery, alleviating symptoms, a cure or end of pain

Flowers/ Sun– happiness, joy, all things bright and beautiful, this is a combo that screams ‘yes go this way!’

Flowers/ Moon– dreaminess and good times, a suggestion or invitation that makes you happy

Flowers/ Key– a happy success, you may have a lot riding on this success and it will all turn out well

Flowers/ Fish– well managed money, money making you happy or money allowing you to buy something that makes you happy

Flowers/ Anchor– deep down happiness no matter what the outer circumstances, it’s about being happy within yourself

Flowers/ Cross– beneficial aid, happiness with your life choices, content with life in general


Keywords- a sharp break, sudden change, unexpected turns

scytheThe Scythe is only scary when in combination with the Coffin. On it’s own it is simply about something sudden and sharp or unexpected. It’s often the line in the sand, so to speak.

In combination

Scythe/ Whip– a sudden argument, an argument you didn’t see coming

Scythe/ Bird– cutting yourself off from gossip, on the plus side you don’t know what any else is saying about you, on the down side you don’t know what anyone is saying about you, chances are if you get this combo you won’t care what they are saying

Scythe/ Child– something brand new shows up suddenly, a new idea, person, possible path

Scythe/ Fox– leaving a situation suddenly, walking away without regard for consequences, ‘the straw that broke the camels back’

Scythe/ Bear– a sudden official action, eg a fine or speeding ticket

Scythe/ Star– a sudden change of hope or dream, changing your mind about what you want

Scythe/ Stork– a surprise

Scythe/ Dog– cutting a friend off or being cut off from a friend, a sudden change in the nature of the friendship

Scythe/ Tower- a change that has been a long time coming, leaving the past behind, cutting your ties to the past

Scythe/ Garden– an impromptu social gathering or last minute decision to go out

Scythe/ Mountain– cutting through obstacles, attacking challenges one small piece at a time, being cut down to size

Scythe/ Road– sudden and total change, where you think you are going there’s a bend in the road coming that you simply can’t see around, whatever you think is coming it won’t be that

Scythe/ Mouse– an end to a bill or repayment or end to small and annoying problem

Scythe/ Heart– a broken heart, the end of a relationship

Scythe/ Ring– cutting ties with family, breaking a cycle

Scythe/ Book– a change in study plans, an accidental discovery, learning something unexpected

Scythe/ Letters– unexpected news,

Scythe/ Man/ Woman– either the sudden appearance or disappearance of this person from your life, or a major change in their role in your life

Scythe/ Lily– a sudden and unexpected illness, cuts, breaks, generally hurting yourself- take extra care!

Scythe/ Sun– a change for the better, unexpected good fortune

Scythe/ Moon– an unexpected invitation or proposition

Scythe/ Key– a breakthrough, sudden success

Scythe/ Fish- a cut in income, unexpected changes in your income

Scythe/ Anchor– a change that had to happen, breaking free of something that had tied you down

Scythe/ Cross– a whole change of life path, a major change in either belief or world view


Keywords- stress, tension, arguments

whipThe Whip can be a bit nasty, but not particularly strong. Most it’s about arguments, debate and discussion. It’s also about stress and tension. Generally the Whip is something that needs to be overcome, but isn’t too much of a problem depending on how you go about it.

In combination

Whip/ Bird– straight out gossip, people talking behind your back, being the subject of argument

Whip/ Child– either an argument with your child or a new argument

Whip/ Fox– someone is using sneaky and underhanded tactics to try to win an argument

Whip/ Bear– an official argument like a court case or debate, too much stress, stressing about a major development in your life

Whip/ Star– a discussion you had hoped to have, worry about putting your thoughts and ideas up for discussion

Whip/ Stork– a discussion (possibly very heated) that moves things on, resolving an old argument

Whip/ Dog– a falling out with a friend or disagreement

Whip/ Tower– an argument about the past, different views of past events

Whip/ Garden– a bad night out or social function, too much drama or being around people who don’t like each other

Whip/ Mountain– difficult obstacles to overcome, stressing out about the problems you face

Whip/ Road– you’ve taken a wrong or difficult turn, problems arise you weren’t expecting to face

Whip/ Mouse– little arguments, snippiness and hurtful comments

Whip/ Heart– going against your instincts, a difficult love affair, going through a rough patch

Whip/ Ring– family troubles, arguments about family

Whip/ Book– hidden trouble, trouble you don’t know about yet

Whip/ Letters– bad news, news which causes you problems

Whip/ Man/ Woman– the source of the drama or trouble because of this person

Whip/ Lily– illness, ill health

Whip/ Sun– an argument with a good outcome, sorting out problems

Whip/ Moon– a proposal that causes drama, a troublesome invitation

Whip/ Key– overcoming drama, success after struggle

Whip/ Fish– financial difficulty, needing to ‘borrow from Peter to pay Paul’

Whip/ Anchor– an unsolvable argument or disagreement, agreeing to ‘agree to disagree’

Whip/ Cross– feeling off track with your life, dissatisfaction with your lot in life


Keywords- nervousness, negative talk, gossip, “a truth that’s told with bad intent, beats all the lies you can invent”

birdWhen the Bird appears things are uncertain. There is a lot of talk but not much action. More often then not the talk is negative or unsubstantiated.

In combination

Bird/ Child– a new rumour or a child is nervous

Bird/ Fox– an untrue rumour or gossip

Bird/ Bear– gossip and chat about something important, contentiousness over an important matter

Bird/ Star– excitement, being afraid of something you are hoping for

Bird/ Stork– talking or gossip about an event

Bird/ Dog– a conversation with a friend

Bird/ Tower– talking about something from the past, rehashing old hurts or issues

Bird/ Garden– gossip in your social circle or gossip doing the rounds

Bird/ Mountain– discussions about an obstacle or challenge, having a whinge about all the problems you face

Bird/ Road– talking about what to do next in your life, worrying about the future

Bird/ Mouse– arranging payments, worry about bills

Bird/ Heart– worrying about your relationship, nervousness in love, being uncertain of your partner

Bird/ Ring– gossip among your family, family being opinionated about your life

Bird/ Book– gossip you don’t know about, stuff being said behind your back

Bird/ Letter– hearing gossip- most likely about yourself or someone you are close to, being worried about news you receive

Bird/ Man/ Woman– the person who is the source of the gossip or worry

Bird/ Lily– health concerns or worries

Bird/ Sun– a conversation that clears the air, bounciness and optimism that you spread around or get from someone else

Bird/ Moon– intimate conversations, sharing something personal

Bird/ Key– finding out something that answers a question or provides a solution

Bird/ Fish– financial worries, unexpected expenses

Bird/ Anchor– gossip that has been going around for ages, a persistent rumour

Bird/ Cross– existential angst, “what am I doing with my life?”


Keywords- a child or children, something new or small

childThe Child does of course represent actual children in your life- either your own child or one that is important to you, but it can also just be something small or new.

In combination

Child/ Fox– your child is keeping something from you or a small (unimportant) secret

Child/ Bear– a new legal or official action, or new phase of an existing action, an important child

Child/ Star– a nice child, happy go lucky, a small wish granted

Child/ Stork– a pregnancy

Child/ Dog– a new friendship, a friends child

Child/ Tower– childhood in general

Child/ Garden– a school or playground

Child/ Mountain– a small obstacle or challenge

Child/ Road– a small change in life or a new direction

Child/ Mouse– small annoyances, little hurdles to overcome

Child/ Heart– a new love or renewal in an existing love

Child/ Ring– a child in your family, nieces, nephews, cousins etc

Child/ Book– something new you don’t know about, a child you haven’t met yet

Child/ Letter– happy news, something small but pleasing

Child/ Man/ Woman– either a man or woman with children or a man or woman who is very childlike or young

Child/ Lily– a small health issue, something easily solvable

Child/ Sun– happiness and fun times, being silly and exuberant

Child/ Moon- an invitation to something fun or a proposition to do something silly

Child/ Key– a child has the answer or your success lies in something you’ve never tried before

Child/ Fish– a small amount of money coming in, or money for a child

Child/ Anchor– the settling of a situation into a new normal, things settling down after a period of instability

Child/ Cross– a new life stage, passing a milestone of some description or a child is destined to come into your life


Keywords- sneakiness, underhandedness, cleverness, escaping consequences

FoxThe Fox can be tricky because he’s both good and bad depending on your point of view. Things are not what they seem when he appears. It’s about tackling problems cleverly rather then head on. On his own the Fox is about going around a problem rather then straight at it.

In combination

Fox/ Bear– selective truth telling, lying by omission- usually it’s a big omission

Fox/ Star– finding a loophole or way out of a situation you didn’t want to be in

Fox/ Stork– lying about an event, misrepresenting something that has happened

Fox/ Dog– a false friend

Fox/ Tower– lying about the past, hiding your past

Fox/ Garden- leaving a social situation, escaping your responsibilities

Fox/ Mountain– problems piling up on all sides, feeling trapped, unable to see a way through

Fox/ Road– a change is not what you thought it would be, hidden problems coming to light, being sold a lemon

Fox/ Mouse– little lies, white lies, read the fine print!, misunderstandings

Fox/ Heart– an untrustworthy love, your love is keeping something from you, sneakiness

Fox/ Ring– family secrets, family rituals that are kept private

Fox/ Book– a big secret, something major being kept from you or that you are keeping from others

Fox/ Letter– untrustworthy news, news which is not what it seems, read between the lines of anything you are being told

Fox/ Man/ Woman– an untrustworthy person, someone who does not have your best interests at heart

Fox/ Lily– an underlying health issue- get anything you aren’t sure of checked out, avoiding taking action on a health issue in the hopes it will just go away

Fox/ Sun– getting away with something, winning by sneaky means

Fox/ Moon– looking for a way out of doing something you don’t want to do, finding a loophole

Fox/ Key– keeping a solution to yourself, being the only one who knows something

Fox/ Fish– secret money, either a personal stash or an ‘escape’ account

Fox/ Anchor- a bolt hole, a hidden way out that you keep or that someone else keeps

Fox/ Cross– a hidden destiny, ending up somewhere you never thought you would


Keywords- importance, law, something official, a professional person

bearThe Bear is always something big, important and somewhat official. There Bear will appear for anything connected with the law, councils, authority, bosses etc. It is generally positive but can be trying on the patience.

In combination

Bear/ Star– official matters proceeding smoothly, getting the official approval you’ve been hoping for

Bear/ Stork– an official event, something important has happened

Bear/ Dog– a friend in authority, friends in high places, a friend with the power to help your situation

Bear/ Tower– current events stemming from something important in the past, consequences from the past, paying your dues

Bear/ Garden– an important party, mixing with important people socially, social climbing

Bear/ Mountain– someone foreign or from very far away, connections with overseas, matters of paramount importance

Bear/ Road– an important change, an official change

Bear/ Mouse– fines, rates, fees

Bear/ Heart– an important love, making it ‘official’

Bear/ Ring- family trusts, wills, insurances

Bear/ Book– something legal or official you don’t yet know about, being in the dark about the current state of your legal/ official matter, not knowing where you stand legally

Bear/ Letter– contracts, signing paperwork, forms, needing to have something in writing

Bear/ Man/ Woman- a boss or other person with authority over you

Bear/ Lily– hospital, doctor’s surgeries, a doctor or medical expert

Bear/ Sun– something in your favour legally/ officially

Bear/ Moon, an offer of settlement, compromise

Bear/ Key– a legal or official win, success in your endeavour

Bear/ Fish– receiving money owed to you or legal/ official fees going out depending on if the fish is swimming towards (coming in) or away from (going out) the Bear

Bear/ Anchor– an ongoing legal or official dispute, no resolution in sight yet

Bear/ Cross– karma, events of an important spiritual nature


Keywords- wishes, hopes, dreams or a dreamer, inherently positive

starThis is a lovely card suggesting wishes granted and things panning out the way you would like. It represents an inner self confidence that no matter what happens you’ll work it out and get through it.

In combination

Star/ Stork– something long desired finally happening

Star/ Dog– a lovely friend or friendship, someone you can count on no matter how long it’s been since you’ve seen them

Star/ Tower– romanticizing your past, remembering things the way you want to, seeing the best in what happened

Star/ Garden– a lovely night out or social group, friends who make you happy, social support

Star/ Mountain– making the most of an enforced wait, trusting that challenges and obstacles will be overcome, not letting troubles get you down

Star/ Road– a wish come true, the granting of a wish which changes things

Star/ Mouse– a small wish granted, taking small steps to achieve a wish

Star/ Heart– love as you imagined it would be, creating a beautiful relationship

Star/ Ring– a lovely family life, being supported by those around you

Star/ Book- a secret wish

Star/ Letter– good news which answers a wish, or news you were hoping for

Star/ Man/ Woman– someone you’ve been hoping for, someone who supports you and your endeavours

Star/ Lily– good health, healing and wellness

Star/ Sun– wishes granted, happiness, good times

Star/ Moon– something hoped for will happen soon, contentment

Star/ Key– success, everything will work out in your favour

Star/ Fish– good fortune, improvement in finances, a windfall

Star/ Anchor– someone good natured, permanent optimism, a ‘glass half full’ attitude

Star/ Cross– following your life path, being on track with your ultimate goals, spiritual truth


Keywords- an event, also movement and change but connected with something in particular happening

storkThe Stork can be movement and travel but for me it’s nearly always been a specific event. As a marker it has always come up when I could say “oh that’s when such and such happened”.

In combination

Stork/ Dog– doing something with a friend, an event or outing

Stork/ Tower– a past event, your current situation stemming from a past turning point

Stork/ Garden– a party or social event

Stork/ Mountain– an event you need to get past, an event you aren’t looking forward

Stork/ Road– travelling to an event, movement, events happening faster then you expected

Stork/ Mouse– a loan, setting up something that needs to be paid back or something that happens in small stages

Stork/ Heart– something happening that you are very happy with or love

Stork/ Ring– a family event

Stork/ Book– a surprise event, something happening out of the blue or that you didn’t know about

Stork/ Letter- news that sets the time and date for something to happen

Stork/ Man/ Woman– the arrival of someone important in your life

Stork/ Lily– an operation or event concerning your health

Stork/ Sun– a happy event, if you’ve been waiting for something this is it

Stork/ Moon– an invitation to an event

Stork/ Key– success, completion of a project, culmination

Stork/ Fish– a lump sum of money, a sum that is outside your normal income

Stork/ Anchor– an event that was always going to happen, something certain finally occurring

Stork/ Cross– a destined event, a spiritual event


Keywords- a friend or friendship, a pet or animal

dogWhile it can mean a pet or animal, it most often refers to a friend. This is nearly always a special or very good friend as opposed to acquaintances. Someone important.

In combination

Dog/ Tower– an old friend or friend from the past

Dog/ Garden– good friends, your peer group

Dog/ Mountain– a difficult friendship, or friendship going through a difficult patch

Dog/ Road– a change in the nature of your friendship, or change in best friends

Dog/ Mouse– a friendship that costs you something, a friend who undermines your self confidence

Dog/ Heart– your partner as your best friend, a love relationship that is more like friendship, your closest companion

Dog/ Ring– a good friendship with a relative, a friend so close you consider them family

Dog/ Book- a friend you haven’t met yet, can be a friend you’ve only spoken with online

Dog/ Letter– news from or about a friend

Dog/ Man/ Woman– a male or female friend

Dog/ Lily– a friend met through work, a colleague or work mate

Dog/ Sun– a good friendship, a happy friend

Dog/ Moon– a building friendship, a friendship steadily getting deeper

Dog/ Key– a friend has the answer you seek, a successful friendship, going into business with a friend

Dog/ Fish– money lent between friends- fish swimming towards the dog is lending to them, fish swimming away is them lending to you

Dog/ Anchor– a solid friendship, a certain friendship that will survive whatever is thrown at it

Dog/ Cross– a soul mate, someone from your soul tribe, karmic connections


Keywords- the past, something that began a long time ago, something continuous

towerThe Tower is generally the past or something that has been around for a long time.

In combination

Tower/ Garden– a social group or setting that has been around a long time, something social you’ve been doing for a long time

Tower/ Mountain– the deep past, sometimes even past life, something from your past you have never gotten over

Tower/ Road– leaving your past behind, a change in the way you see something from the past

Tower/ Mouse– paying for something from the past, past events eating away at you, guilt

Tower/ Heart– a past love or lover

Tower/ Ring– a family member you haven’t seen in a long time, something that happened before happening again

Tower/ Book– something hidden in the past, exploring your memories, finding old photo’s/ letters/ etc, a trip down memory lane

Tower/ Letter– news of the past, discovering the truth of past events, old news

Tower/ Man/ Woman– someone from your past

Tower/ Lily– an old illness or injury, something ongoing, or old hurts returned

Tower/ Sun– happy memories, reminiscing, a good childhood

Tower/ Moon– a reunion, meeting up with someone or something from the past

Tower/ Key– success lies with something or someone from the past, past successes

Tower/ Fish– old money, inheritance, receiving something valuable from the past, matured investments

Tower/ Anchor– content to leave the past in the past, feeling secure in your current situation because of solid foundations, building solid foundations

Tower/ Cross- current events being bigger then this life, spiritual evolution, being protected by someone/ something outside yourself, guidance from your Higher Self


Keywords- something public, workplaces, nightclubs, nature, out there

gardenThe Garden is social, busy, often fun. It’s about your social group and place in society. It can be work related or fun related depending on what else it is with.

In combination

Garden/ Mountain– a difficult social setting or work place, obstacles to overcome socially

Garden/ Road– a change of job or social group

Garden/ Mouse– your social group costing you, keeping up with the Joneses, work wearing you down

Garden/ Heart– loving your social life, a social butterfly, someone popular but superficial

Garden/ Ring- a family party or working for family, a work place so close it feels like family

Garden/ Book– secret social life, who you are at work or out and about being different to who you are at home or by yourself

Garden/ Letter– work news, working where there are lots of papers

Garden/ Man/ Woman- an acquaintance

Garden/ Lily– working in the health industry, healing, looking after others, volunteering

Garden/ Sun- a job you love, a happy social life

Garden/ Moon– a job offer, a promotion, hobnobbing with those above you

Garden/ Key– success at work, a job that has many good prospects

Garden/ Fish– your income, your daily job

Garden/ Anchor– staying put, being passed over or rejecting a promotion, a reliable group of friends

Garden/ Cross– you are where you are meant to be, something important coming to you


Keywords- obstacles, something definite, unavoidable challenges

mountainThe Mountain usually refers to something big and important. It is about challenges and overcoming difficulties. The cards it comes with will tell you how to overcome those challenges and something about the nature of them.

In combination

Mountain/ Road– a difficult change, obstacles to overcome before you can change your life

Mountain/ Mouse– attacking your challenges by nibbling away at them, coming at your challenges from lots of different angles

Mountain/ Heart– relationship difficulties, an obstacle to overcome before your happy ever after

Mountain/ Ring– family difficulties, family placing obstacles in your path, family objecting to something you are doing or want to do

Mountain/ Book– unknown difficulties, going into something not knowing everything about it, being under prepared

Mountain/ Letter– difficult news, news that stops you in your tracks, news about something you’ll need to overcome

Mountain/ Man/ Woman– someone who is blocking your progress

Mountain/ Lily- permanent health issues that need to be worked around or with, disability or a major setback with your health

Mountain/ Sun– overcoming obstacles, something that was blocking you fading away like morning mist

Mountain/ Moon– a difficult proposition, an invitation that causes problems

Mountain/ Key- success over difficultly, finding the solution, negotiating a success resolution

Mountain/ Fish– money is the obstacle, not having the funds you need for something, sometimes a large sum of money

Mountain/ Anchor– a problem that won’t go away, learning to work around something, putting up with a difficult situation

Mountain/ Cross– a soul lesson to learn, the sort of soul lesson that will just keep coming back in one form or another until you finally get it


Keywords- life path, a new direction, progress

roadThe Road is mostly about change, getting on with your life and stuff happening. It’s movement is more figurative then literal but can mean actual travel as well.

In combination

Road/ Mouse– an expensive turn, you’ll have to pay out more money then you budgeted for or expected, sometimes lots of small changes

Road/ Heart– a new love, a change of heart

Road/ Ring– going around in circles, déjà vu, trying something you tried once before

Road/ Book– trying something you’ve never tried before, jumping in blindly, trusting fate

Road/ Letter– news that changes things, discovering something that changes your life

Road/ Man/ Woman– someone who changes things for you, the source of the change

Road/ Lily– travelling for treatment or health, a change in health

Road/ Sun– a change for the better, a fun trip

Road/ Moon– a invitation to change, a suggestion about how things can be improved

Road/ Key– a successful change, something going according to plan

Road/ Fish– a change in income, swimming towards the road money is increasing, swimming away money is decreasing or no longer going as far

Road/ Anchor– being unsure if you should stay or go, being indecisive, the world changing around you and you resisting

Road/ Cross– being at a crossroads in life, an important turning point in your life that will change everything


Keywords- nibbling, small frustrations, bills, long running but often unnoticed problems

mouseThe little mousey is SO annoying. He nibbles away at things, he’s bills, and repetition. The sort of things that you don’t often notice until to late. On the plus side, he’s not the end of the world.

In combination

Mouse/ Heart– the relationship is costing you something either literally with bills and money or emotionally with your self esteem being eaten away

Mouse/ Ring– a payment or bill or expense with no end in sight, or family who costs you something

Mouse/ Book- a hidden cost, or something is going wrong somewhere that you don’t yet know about

Mouse/ Letter– bills

Mouse/ Man/ Woman– someone annoying, someone who nibbles away at you or your self esteem

Mouse/ Lily– a small annoying health issue, head lice (!)

Mouse/ Sun– something you are saving for or paying off that makes you happy, a debt you are happy to pay

Mouse/ Moon– an invitation or idea that ends up cost you something

Mouse/ Key– a solution of many small parts

Mouse/ Fish– small amounts, fishing heading towards the mouse small amounts coming in, fish heading away small amounts going out

Mouse/ Anchor– a constant expense,

Mouse/ Cross– paying back something spiritually, an emotional debt


Keywords- love, matters of the heart

heartNot surprisingly, the Heart is all about matters of the heart, love and relationships. On its own it’s generally good. Especially so with a few notable cards. There are a few exceptions though.

In combination

Heart/ Ring– marriage or a married couple

Heart/ Book– a love you have not yet met, a love you don’t know very well

Heart/ Letter– love news, hearing from a loved one, news you’ll love

Heart/ Man/ Woman– your love

Heart/ Lily– healing hurts in a relationship, forgiveness

Heart/ Sun– happiness in love, everything is going well

Heart/ Moon– a proposition, an offer of love, someone loves you

Heart/ Key– success in love, achieving a romantic goal

Heart/ Fish- a wealthy relationship, partners who work well together

Heart/ Anchor- you can be sure of your love, your love is solid

Heart/ Cross– a destined love, a soul mate relationship that may not be without its drama but is very deep and meaningful


Keywords- relationships, often family obligations, unbreakable bonds, sometimes going round in circles

ringThe card of family and bonds. This is a good card as well, on the whole, but like families in general it is not without its challenges.

In combination

Ring/ Book– family secrets, can be a wedding ceremony especially with the garden as well

Ring/ Letter– family news

Ring/ Man/ Woman– a family member

Ring/ Lily– a hereditary health issue

Ring/ Sun– happy family life

Ring/ Moon– a proposition you can’t avoid, an invitation or proposition concerning family

Ring/ Key– successful family life, success thanks to family or family connections

Ring/ Fish– family money, money given or lend among family members, using only interest amounts and not the principal

Ring/ Anchor– family you can count on, strong support and strength, you can be sure that those who love you have got your back with this combo

Ring/ Cross– ‘what goes around comes around’, ‘you reap what you sow’, someone getting their just desserts


Keywords- something unknown, secrets, learning, reading, hiding

bookThe Book is unopened so it represents things you are still yet to find out. In this day and age though I have noticed it stands for technology itself, computers, online, etc as well as reading and writing. It’s a rather busy card that needs a companion card for it to make much sense.

In combination

Book/ Letter– discovering something, the net, online, research, writing, sharing knowledge

Book/ Man/ Woman– someone you haven’t met yet

Book/ Lily– researching health issues, an unknown health issue

Book/ Sun– discovering something awesome, learning

Book/ Moon– a surprise proposition or invitation, the internets

Book/ Key– written success, success in the written world, success you don’t know about yet

Book/ Fish– a sum of money you don’t know about yet, money earned through writing

Book/ Anchor– a published book or work, knowledge from definite sources (like an encyclopaedia or something official), secret confidence, knowing something but not knowing how you know it

Book/ Cross– spiritually learning and study, researching something deeper


Keywords- news by phone/ email/ text, communication, secrets revealed

lettersThe letter is the most important news. It’s nearly always in writing and it’s always reliable, unlike the Bird who could just be gossip. Trust any news you receive when the letter appears.

In combination

Letter/ Man/ Woman– the bearer of news or news about

Letter/ Lily– a diagnosis, health news

Letter/ Sun– really good news

Letter/ Moon– an invitation, news you will like

Letter/ Key– news about a success, hearing back in regards to something, passing a test

Letter/ Fish– news about money, money on its way if the fish is swimming towards the letters, paying for something if the fish is swimming away from the letters though it is implied that its something you are happy to pay for and have the funds for

Letter/ Anchor– news you can be sure of, news you may already know that is finally being made public

Letter/ Cross– messages from the other side, messages from your guides or Higher Self, significant dreams

Man/ Woman

Keywords- a man or woman important to the querent or the querent himself or herself

In traditional decks and spreads the Man and Woman are the cards that the whole reading centres around. I have found them to be slightly less important the way I read them. They will however pretty much always mean you or your querent. Occasionally they will be about someone else. Most often people will identify them as someone else when they are paired with not so nice cards because most people don’t like to see themselves as not so nice. Bear that in mind when you are reading for yourself and others. Sometimes you really are the person being not so nice, ok.

In combination

Man/ Woman/ Lily– someone unwell or a doctor or healer

Man/ Woman/ Sun– someone happy and optimistic

Man/ Woman/ Moon– someone about to be or who has recently been honoured in some way

Man/ Woman/ Key– someone successful or who holds the key to your success

Man/ Woman/ Fish– someone wealthy

Man/ Woman/ Anchor- someone who is a permanent fixture in your life, someone reliable

Man/ Woman/ Cross– someone very spiritual


Keywords- health, hospitals, looking after oneself

lilyThis card has been predominately about health for me though quite a few people find it is actually work. Try both meanings and go with the one that works for you.

In combination

Lily/ Sun– good health

Lily/ Moon– improving health

Lily/ Key-successful treatment, finding out what actually wrong so it can be fixed properly

Lily/ Fish– health expenses, elective surgery, cosmetic surgery

Lily/ Anchor– as good as it’s going to get, very slow and steady improvement, learning to live with your limitations

Lily/ Cross– the sort of illness you have created yourself, complications from your lifestyle


Keywords- optimism, all good, can be success or that you are on the right path, something soon

sunEasily one of the best cards. If this comes up trust that its all good. Even the worst of cards is softened by the Sun. Generally it means what ever you are asking about will either happen soon, within the next few days.

In combination

Sun/ Moon– an invitation to love, everything going smoothly for a while

Sun/ Key– ultimate success, this is a woo hoo! combination, everything falling into place as if by magic

Sun/ Fish– great good fortune, finances are under control and growing well

Sun/ Anchor– you can be sure that things will work out very well, everything is going in your favour no matter the appearances are

Sun/ Cross– rewards, spiritual progress, being in harmony with yourself                      ,


Keywords- brightness, propositions, applying ideas, something that takes about a month

moonThe Moon can sometimes be a little tricky. Generally it’s a sweet and positive card. Its about suggestions and propositions, ideas and maybe’s.

In combination

Moon/ Key– someone will or has suggested the solution to your problem, an invitation or proposition that provides the solution

Moon/ Fish– a business idea, a suggestion to invest money, a financial proposition

Moon/ Anchor– a really good idea, an idea you can be sure of

Moon/ Cross– someone too wrapped up in spiritual pursuits to the detriment of their practical life, taking a leave of absence from your practical life, a spiritual retreat


Keywords- success, solutions, problems solved, answers

keyNo two ways about this one. It’s success and problems solved through and through. The Key always moves things on. It resolves situations and helps you just get on with things.

In combination

Key/ Fish– financial success

Key/ Anchor– success you can be sure of, a long lasting success

Key/ Cross– there is a spiritual solution to your problem, solving a spiritual problem


Keywords- money, finances

fishThis one is easy, money, money, money. The direction of the fish is pretty important. It’s either coming in towards you or swimming away. If its coming in, so is your money. If it’s swimming away so are your hard earned dollars.

In combination

Fish/ Anchor– money is secure, a nest egg or ‘rainy day’ money

Fish/ Cross– maturity of an investment, superannuation, sometimes it’s about your spiritual attitude to money and abundance


Keywords- lack of movement, things staying as they are, something you are sure of

anchorThe Anchor is the opposite of the Road. It keeps things stable, in place, certain.

In combination

Anchor/ Cross– your destiny, something meant to be


Keywords- a crossroads, destiny, something out of your hands, outside forces

crossLastly the Cross. We’ve covered all of its combinations above and on it’s own it’s simply destiny. Something outside of your control. It is about spirituality as well, the deeper side of life. It’s appearance in a reading suggests that’s your situation is deeper then it seems.

Some of the combinations are very similar to each other but vary a little in the context. Also these are only combinations for pairs. They vary again when read in threes or more, but what’s here should give you an idea of how to put together meaning ‘sentences’. Like all readings, practice, practice, practice.

63 thoughts on “Titania’s Fortune Cards

  1. here are some questions i have had on my mind…

    How do I make my next big art sale?

    Is there any advice on publishing Word Pebbles (my picture book)?

    am I going to mother another baby in my lifetime?

    Is there a way to enhance my relationship on a sexual/intimate level?

    are there more little babies for me to nurture in this lifetime?

    my list is so long! don’t feel obligated by ANY means to answer any or all, i’m cheeky for asking so many…wait one more!

    is there some advice on how to enhance the response to my educational work for children The I AM Program?


  2. Thank you for such a very insightful explanation! I used to own these cards but I gave them to a close friend who now reads them for me from time to time! I just can’t seem to stay away from these simply beautiful, mystical informative cards.

  3. Wow! What an amazing resource! The booklet provided with the cards provides descriptions on only a few interactions. This is what I’ve been looking for. Thank you, so much, for this amazing contribution.

  4. I have these cards but always seem to get wrong message, but ready your descriptions has just 150% said what is going on on my life. Thank you very much for sharing this with us. God Bless

  5. I’ve purchased a pack of these. I truly enjoy them, how often is it appropriate to do a 9 card spread? I am seeking answers to whether my recent move across the country was the right move, and I am stumped.

    • HI Jan,
      You can do 9 card spreads about once a week- any sooner then that and the messages become rather messy. But if you are after the answer to a specific question then one or two cards are probably better for a clear answer.

  6. In a 9 card spread of 3×3 do the paired combinations change with the third card added. For example coffin and scythe represent a physical death. But scythe and fish indicate loss of income would the combination of the three represent the death of a wealthy person or a death of all finances?

  7. Like the comment above, I have just bought these and love them, but how often you can do readings as I want to keep doing them on myself first before doing other people. The book said you can do a 7 reading every day so they get used to you. A friend is also able to ask the cards specific questions, she shuffles the cards, asks the questions, cuts the cards into 3 piles and turns them over and the top card from each pile is the answer to the question, do you think this is okay, or do you have another spread for this? Thanks

    • It sounds to me like your friend has a great method. I personally use the Harsh Truth spread a lot- https://faerygodmotherfortunes.wordpress.com/2012/02/14/my-top-ten-relationship-card-spreads/
      As for how often, the 7 card daily is a good one to learn how to put the cards together to make sentences, plus it’s a great way of learning just how mundane the answers can sometimes be. Just make sure you write them down in the morning then go back later that night or first thing next morning and work out what the cards were referring to.

      • I just wanted to say an enormous thankyou for the extra insight your interpretations of Titania’s fortune cards. I have owned these cards for quite a while and have never quite got the hang of some particularly the snake card but now feel that I have much more of a handle on it. Some interpretations aren’t the same for me : for example I find that the Lilly not the ship is business / work related but that could be because I and a lot of my circle work in a hospital ! I also find it easier to have less nuances than presented but Other cards are now more available to me : for example the rider visiting aspect definately works and was one that had not occured to me. The combinations have been invaluable. I have consulted them during my own readings and quite a few times I have thought: Duh! Of course!
        My readings are much improved – and a lot more helpful!

        Thankyou !!!!

      • I just got a pack of cards and have been playing with the cards. My.question is if I do a weekly 9 card spread when do the actual events take place

        • In my experience it’s generally within seven days of the laying out the cards. The trick here is to realise that sometimes the cards are talking about something very mundane like a conversation with a friend or family member or a events at work. We often make the mistake of thinking these particular cards are talking about something huge and life changing but sometimes they pretty much just talk about the weather, so to speak!

  8. Hi Faery Godmother

    Do you think that I will work things out with my love? I am having a hard time believing that I will find a soul partner as my relationships enevitably never seem to work out…I am a very easy going kind of girl and oftem am left perpelexed as to what I could have done different, or asked in moments of truth? Kind Regards, Edwina

    • There are two things I know about love. One, we all deserve it but sometimes we have a hard time really believing that we do. And two, real love isn’t hard work.
      If you haven’t already checked them out, I have two articles that might help you. Firstly, the Top Ten Things You Should Know About Yourself Before You Fall In Love and the Top Ten Relationship spreads.
      There’s a spread in the Top Ten called Let Love In. Try that one out and see how you go. If you need any help interpreting what you get post it on the Post Your Reading Here page and I’ll tell you what I think.

  9. Thank you FGmother! I have done the let love in spread and the cards are as follows.
    1. coffin 2. woman. 3.mouse 4. star and 5. Bird.

    They are not very possitive cards at all and I feel more doomed than ever! What can I do? I am like I said very even temperamented and really a lovely person with no great hang ups. I just can’t seem to work out why the bad luck? Perhaps I have a hex upon me? I am very disheartened to say the least. Let me know what you make of these cards. I could not find the post your reading page. I hope this is okay to ask in this forum.

    Thank you for all your kind words and work xx Wink

    • Hi Edwina,

      I answered your post on the Post Your Readings Here page, hopefully that helped. I think maybe this reading was a reflection of what you were feeling when you laid the cards out? Don’t be disheartened, you will get there I promise!

  10. Hiya faerygodmother, I was wondering if you would be able to help me. I have had these cards for a very long time and I find your meanings much easier to identify with, but I sometimes struggle with the combinations and the whole ‘next, next to and beside’ thing in the book with the cards. Do your combinations relate to the next, next to etc or do you class them as combinations if they just appear in the same reading regardless of where they appear? I hope you get my meaning hehe. Thanks!

    • I read the cards like words in a sentence. So if you have three cards then those three cards form the “words”. It works for as many cards as you are comfortable stringing together- mostly I go up to seven for a daily read. So if you have the bear, the child, the clover and the fish, you’ve got a sentence that includes, something important, something new or a child, luck, and money. That could mean a whole heap of things but you can narrow it down to luck concerning important new money, or a young person/ child is lucky to find and important amount of money eg- trust fund. Your personal circumstances will help you narrow down possible meanings and sometimes it’s simply a vague message until something happens in your life that fits the bill.

      It depends what you mean by “where ever the appear in the reading”. All the readings I do with them involve grouping them, mostly in 3’s like the nine card spread, or by 3’s and 4’s for the 6 month spread. In the nine card spread you read them as groups of 3, first horizontally, then vertically, then the 2 diagonals.

      Does that answer your question?

  11. Hi Edwina,

    Thanks for the insight into meanings of the cards and ideas on layouts, they have been really helpful.

    I have a question, are the combination meanings the same in reverse, for example a Rider and a Man is a visit from a man. Would a Man and a Rider have the same meaning?

  12. thanku so much my faerygodmother for these fabulous combos.i ve been doing these cards for years and been looking for bextra help for a long time.i am so grateful to you.i love this man who has been a longterm friend for 18years .he is coming out of a bad relationship and I don’t know what will happen, I want to be with him and adore him and just want to make him happy.can u tell me if theres a chance he will want to be with me in the future.my cards came up as the clover on top of the heart for card 1 then.bear .man.ring.skythe.clouds.tower.flowers.fox. can u plz tell me what you feel for me.thanku so much.

  13. Hi faerygodmother
    I had a nine card reading done by a friend at the weekend, but she is quite new to this so I have enjoyed delving a little deeper using your explanations. Could you just tell me what time period the nine card reading would usually refer to?
    Many thanks.

  14. Aloha,
    I was wondering what your meaning of the Star + Fish combination was? I did not see it listed under Star or Fish. Thanks! 🙂

  15. Pingback: My Top Ten 3 Card Spreads | FaeryGodmother Fortunes

  16. Nice post. I learn something totally new and challenging on websites I stumbleupon on a daily basis. It will always be useful to read through articles from other writers and use something from other websites.

  17. Fantastic Interpretations of the combos! I adore this deck, I’ve had it going on 20 years. It never skips a beat and I definitely found truth in what you’ve said here, especially how they can sometimes be mundane and when the clouds appear the readings is about your thoughts not a physical situation. I had one question I was curious about why you view the clover/clouds as negative thinking instead of a lucky insight or positive thinking?

    • Hi Jessi, thanks for your kind words. They are such a great workhorse of a deck for sure! The association of clover/clouds for me came from two points of view.
      Firstly, the wordplay I associate “cloudy” thinking with is the idea that, in my life at least, I have often overlooked the good right in front of me when my thoughts were “cloudy” or too busy wondering if it was going to rain/ something was going to go wrong, if that makes sense.
      And secondly, all these meanings came about after LOTS of journaling and keeping a record of what actually happened after readings, and that was just what had happened for me. But one of the things I love most about cards is that they are so often a personal language. What is true for me, may not be true for others so I don’t think of my meanings as the only truth out there! Just the ones that work for me 😊

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